When Does Madness

Madness …

Take over our mind,

what causes us to go off course, is it ageing?

when the brain becomes fogged, no longer kind,

wondering who we are, what we’ve become

where are we going, what direction to run or,

simply Pantomime.


When desperation sets in, life is no longer fun, the

past a blurred memory, no life to live now, memories

fading, when once we were filled with life and laughter

we’ve now become a dull soul, lost in ourselves, biding

our time, waiting for the incineration.


Yet, so pleasant to close our eyes and dream of yesteryear

when life was less complicated, worth living, full of surprise

with a family, a loving wife and children to

cradle, love and build a future for and with.


Then it crashes,

we’ve become alone, lost within our world of desperation.

All the dreams we once had come crashing down all around

us, whilst the tortured soul yields, begging for redemption

forgiveness, adoration. But who listens, who cares?


The stage is electric with actors playing their roles

wearing their tragic masks that adorn their scarred faces,

hidden in shame, dancing about us, mocking and whispering,

yet only we can feel our shame and pain, awaiting an encore,

they kneel with mocking grace.


Amazingly we can get use to being alone with one’s own

thoughts, no need to question or be questioned by others,

we think, sleep, eat and carry on our day, numbly aware

of our surroundings, muttering under our breath, how did

we become this far gone. The world was our stage, we

awaited the applause and a curtain call, now we act alone,

behind our mask of tragedy.


We see around us in this Hotel California the many lost

somebody’s lowered to a level they never expected, lost

like so many, their money, fame, stature and power

distributed among their pack, now they have nothing

but a lifeless future, no dividends to draw upon, nothing

but alone, lost and drooling in their soups, with caregivers

dabbing their chins.


Madness however does have a sympathetic kindness,

for one is lost in another world, hopeless, as it is, without

a future, only incineration, where no memories exist,

we are now the unloved, lost, forgotten, left to fend for

ourselves. The beautiful minds, awakenings at times,

simply to cherish some history, then back to sleep we

go and await for what, who knows?


The other side can’t be any worse than this side of the

misty curtain, creased by many who went before us.

Time stands still as it awaits us, a simple soul lost in

this present world, to be rediscovered, rejuvenated

and awakened beyond our expectations.

Our Notebook full, we close it gently, pat it with

tenderness, close our eyes

to sleep the deep sleep, and wait!



Vincent Moore 2017


Vincent Moore
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Vincent Moore

Vincent Moore pens his thoughts about many things and has a style all his own. Sometimes, he parties with words excessively and it becomes necessary to publish quickly lest his work be lost in the dark corners of his room or his mind. Vincent will lead you into mysterious worlds that are strange yet somehow familiar, worlds that will leave you unsettled and breathless for more. He was born and raised in Montreal Canada among the Irish, Brits, Italians and French. Point St Charles (commonly called The Point) was the Hell’s kitchen of Montreal. He played, cried, laughed and fought on the street corners, survival was an instinct and watching each others back important. Vincent left home at 17 to find his way in the world, failure and success he had plenty of. He studied the Arts and loved to draw and paint. Took acting lessons and envied those on the stage under the bright lights and hoped to some day become an actor, writer, playwright or painter. Vincent welcomes you to his world of mystery, fantasy and solitude. You can find a few of his writings in one of 3 books he's published. In Absinthia- In Melancholia and In Passionata.

10 thoughts on “When Does Madness

  • July 17, 2018 at 1:48 AM

    Heart-felt and touching as to our fall and resurrection in life. I know exactly the feelings and have experience similar circumstances that brought me to the edge. I must say, for me, my writing kept me strong, as it flowed regardless and helped me through much pain. It truly is my connection to life, or at least one of them, and it nourishes me and allows me to to be productive and to share what I’ve learned. Beautifully articulated and felt my friend.
    PS Love the video, that song has a profound effect on me from the film, and it brings me to tears just hearing it. Cheers!

  • July 17, 2018 at 6:50 AM

    Thank you Tony, my writing as well kept me strong until my Muse left me, it’s only the past month that he has returned, I’ve dropped off the charts for close to a year. I wish I could share with you my understanding of it but I can’t. It’s like I was channeled to release a lot of pain I accumulated in my past, released and then the door slammed closed. I’m thankful it’s been reopened and I’m inspired to continue my writings. I’m happy that your work keeps you strong and so it should, I pray that it does me as well and I continue to pen. That video as well Tony brought tears to eyes when I first heard it. I played it over and over again and even today I’m very much moved by it. It’s poetry in motion. Cheers!

  • July 17, 2018 at 8:08 AM

    When you get to that edge you have that choice of fall or stand and that choice determines your existence. Do you let the madness creep in and take over or do you stand and fight the urge. Like Tony said, my writing keeps me from falling off the cliff sometimes, figuratively of course, but the focus eliminates the bad things sometimes. Glad to see you back here my friend. That song is a great song and video fits in with your piece here. Kudos

  • July 17, 2018 at 9:26 AM

    Nice to be back and thank you for the welcome. I’ve teeter tottered on the edge myself, but that force from within held me back to back control and I lived to go on another day. I agree with writing, without it I am barely half a person, when I stop for whatever reason, which I’ve done this past year, it took a toll on my soul. Thankfully my Muse has returned to give me the energy and stamina to pick up where I left off. Indeed I feel the same way about the song, it fits. Thank you Paul, look forward to commenting again on your superior writings, like Tony you are one of the prolific poets here among others. We must support one another and reach out to others where we can. There is magnificent work at this site that can not go unnoticed. Peace my friend.

  • July 17, 2018 at 6:33 PM

    There is no doubt what keeps me sane and that is being able to bring forth my thoughts and emotions either in poetry, photography, or writing my novels. The song has always been one of my favorites.

  • July 17, 2018 at 10:19 PM

    And it’s for those very reasons Kurt that I too must continue to pen my thoughts. Artistry brings forth reactions, feelings, inspirations and you sir achieve that as well in all your mediums. You feel it through the lens, you transcribe what you see and feel through your words. Kudos to you sir.

  • July 17, 2018 at 11:08 PM

    It makes me so happy to see your work again my friend; you’ve been missed for both your wonderful poetic view of life, but also for your insights and commentary. I especially enjoy the subtle Hotel California hint you’ve injected into this broad view of ageing. If you get to the other side before me, save me a balcony seat – you know I enjoy looking at life from a different angle.

  • July 18, 2018 at 5:59 AM

    Thank you Ralph for the welcome back. Indeed once we enter we can never leave, a view from the other side to this one would be a very interesting one, indeed, consider yourself booked for a balcony seat from Hotel California. Yes I know you are a different angle kinda poet/writer and I admire that. Your creativity with words and rhyme is par among some of the greats my friend. Nice to be back and I will work with everyone to help promote this site, let’s start in FB group.

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