Fair Thee Well

Fair Thee Well …

Fair Thee Well













He’ll soon be gone, so fair him well, the ink has dried,

his well is empty the words he shared have crossed

through the translucency of time.


Life, love and sharing was his journey, never his destination,

yet he tried his best to live it well, hard, fast and filled with

much emotion, but within a blink of an eye, it faded like fog over an

abandoned mind.


Pray tell, the memories, the friends, the accolades, the

sorrow, all encompassed his soul, a mirror has no reflection

of the sorrows he’s seen yet, leave he will this stage with no



For in this life, a gift was given him, late in the eve of

his wanderings, shadows came forth, a past spirit was cast over

and encompassed his soul and drew him from the

deep Abyss, giving him a voice. One he has attempted to

express with his pen.


Lost in the streets of sadness, his Muse has been generous,

never loosening his grip on this poet’s life,

he will live on in another world, and possibly remembered

in this one he lived in sorrow and misunderstanding. May God find

grace over his wretched soul.


Vincent Moore 2019






Vincent Moore
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Vincent Moore

Vincent Moore pens his thoughts about many things and has a style all his own. Sometimes, he parties with words excessively and it becomes necessary to publish quickly lest his work be lost in the dark corners of his room or his mind. Vincent will lead you into mysterious worlds that are strange yet somehow familiar, worlds that will leave you unsettled and breathless for more. He was born and raised in Montreal Canada among the Irish, Brits, Italians and French. Point St Charles (commonly called The Point) was the Hell’s kitchen of Montreal. He played, cried, laughed and fought on the street corners, survival was an instinct and watching each others back important. Vincent left home at 17 to find his way in the world, failure and success he had plenty of. He studied the Arts and loved to draw and paint. Took acting lessons and envied those on the stage under the bright lights and hoped to some day become an actor, writer, playwright or painter. Vincent welcomes you to his world of mystery, fantasy and solitude. You can find a few of his writings in one of 3 books he's published. In Absinthia- In Melancholia and In Passionata.

10 thoughts on “Fair Thee Well

  • April 4, 2019 at 7:38 AM

    Wow, my friend this is wonderful and as poetic as it gets, but I fear my friend is in need. Vincent you know how to get a hold if me if needed…

    • April 4, 2019 at 9:35 AM

      My dear friend Kurt, I am fine, this was a poem in reflection of a time and moment that stood still for me. I am estranged from 3 of my 4 children. My first born son let me down and this piece was the result of it, a couple of bottles of wine and thus the words spilled from my soul. These are moments we all have at one time or another and we do our best to survive them. I am at peace my friend, my heart is in sorrow, but it has been for many years now, that won’t change, so us poets express ourselves in poems such as this one penned in the darkness of my room.

  • April 4, 2019 at 8:48 AM

    I absolutely love this. It kind of goes in line with the Reflections poem I wrote. So beautifully written my friend. If you are in need of an ear to talk, mine is always available. Excellent piece.

    • April 4, 2019 at 9:39 AM

      So dear poet, I know and feel your words of reflections often. Your a very expressive writer and I am as well. The mundane moments of life sometimes bring out the most creative works from us. But as I mention to Kurt above, it was a moment in time, a sad one indeed and the loss of my first born son. We have not spoken for 20 more years, very sad indeed. So my heart broke that night with the spilling up wine and ink, I woke up and this was the result of tapping on my keys, frightening my soul. Thank you for your offer of an ear, it’s so uplifting to be offered that from a friend from afar.

  • April 4, 2019 at 1:30 PM

    Dear Vincent, how well I remember those dark days for you and poetry of the heart and soul that came out of it. I reached out to you then to give you some hope and friendship. I am so pleased to see how you have grown spiritually and emotionally. Take care dear friend.

  • April 4, 2019 at 3:57 PM

    Thank you Phyllis, I do remember your reaching out back in my Hub pages day and I am eternally grateful for you doing so. Fellow poets and writers like yourself have stood by me when you saw the gloom and doom I portrayed in much of my work. Yes I have grown spiritually as well emotionally and all is good, yet from time to time I have my bad days, but don’t we all dear poet. Hugs

  • April 6, 2019 at 10:26 AM

    Sign of an experienced poets is one who can evoke a strong emotional response in the reader. Your poetry immediately invokes an emotional response. Well done fellow poet and I hope to read more. Jamie

    • April 19, 2019 at 4:57 PM

      Thank you Jamie for your kind words. Evoking an emotional response to our work is something we as poets all strive to achieve. I appreciate your reading my work Jamie.

  • April 18, 2019 at 2:50 AM

    These words of despair touch the heart deeply, my friend. Glad it was written at a past time of sadness and not the present. I think one poet can feel the thoughts and emotions more deeply of another than what the general reader can. Wonderfully written as always.

    • April 19, 2019 at 4:59 PM

      So am I glad it’s from my past, even though I still have no relationship with my eldest son, I believe there is always hope. Yes indeed, we can feel the emotions from fellow poets, for we are the ones who understand one another. As I said above to Jamie, when we can evoke a reader to show some kind of emotion to our poetry, we sir, have achieved the ultimate. Thank you John for reading my work.

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