Fleeting Summer Love

The summer came with its beauty,

days of endless sun and sea,

blue skies, crashing waves,

endless white stretches of sand,

footprints along the shore,

that started out as single

and became two.

It wasn’t possible to think,

that these moments would end,

that this would be –

just a fleeting summer love.

Mornings greeted by the hush of the waves,

salt sea spray,

gulls cries circling up above.

It was an ideal summer,

a summer that would leave,

a treasure trove of memories –

for two people who had discovered love.

As the days passed one into another,

they lost track of time,

their lives had entwined –

their hearts were now as one.

But is any summer love,

perfect one might wonder,

very few last into the first days of autumn,

only the strong survive.

It was the cooler winds,

that surprised them unawares,

the changes came gradually,

until the grasses upon the dunes,

began turning yellow.

Leaves blown by the wind,

from the oak trees,

in the nearby meadow,

wilted summer flowers,

these changes heralded the coming,

of autumn,

perhaps the end of a summer love.

It was in late September,

that only a single pair of footprints,

were left along the shore –

to greet the changing of the seasons.

Love had flown just as the summer,

one heart was left aching,

deep, deep down inside.

This heart was flying,

flying along in the sky,

that was so cold and lonely.

Wishing that it could take flight,

to join the heart that had gone,

high up above gulls flew,

the wind whipped up grains of sand,

nothing, nothing was the same anymore –

the summer and love had flown.

Rasma Raisters
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Rasma Raisters

I am a poet and writer. I write for many different sites online. I have two published books of poems on Amazon - Poetic Thoughts Fly and On the Wings of Love.

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