Ancestral Healing

And as I found myself stirred from my slumber

That was I, indeed l was awoken, thoughts asunder

Dreams interrupted early, a storyline incomplete

My thoughts now crashing, returning from night to day


And what was the culprit, the reason for my waking

The errant sound of the attack, how powerful

That a noise of such intrigue might enter my realm

Again did I listen, with belief of an esoteric capture


And a lengthy silence followed, despite my expectations

Nary an outburst, nor invasion of my auditory envelopment

No encroachment or penetration, not even a whisper

In fact there was nothing at all; a misguided silence


And my mind began whirling, thoughts spinning and twirling

For confusing abounded and I caught myself in abject fear

Scenarios counted and calculated, and myself near panic

Step by step, I tried to find, the source of that wayward sound


And nothing even came to mind, for my awakening erased

The description losing traction despite concentration

Just a fade and then away a scattering of the shattered pieces

No pitch nor tone remained, just a hollow echo in memory


And sleep abandoned me, all but surrendering the night

For commitment to my plight I was, and a grand plight it be

Understanding what and why and how many times

Would leave me so awakened and in this state of distress


And then I stood, I felt the floorboards as I paced the room

Examining the spaces, each unique but without surprise

Testing the acoustics; my own words bouncing across the room

My sphere of audio influence creeping from room to hall


And a testing phase I did enter and I gathered tools of science

Keeping notes as a scholar, with metronome and timepiece

Distance, time, and level, all things worthy of acoustical review

Trying to reconstruct that which has laid siege to my mind


And I thought I had it; felt the unadulterated triumph of success

But no such joyous closing as failure played the spoiler

For too it quickly faded; the mental construct of recreation

Perhaps it was always imagined; that thought grew by moment


And then I thought about the dream; the source therein might be

Clearing the foggy approach where thoughts and sounds intertwined

Leaving space for the answer, as if this recall might solve

To walk along my pathway of solution; now my only intention


And alone was I no longer, I left all in the waking world aside

A human walking among sprits in a state of total relaxation

Unnoticed and out of place but observant to the happenings

Moving to and fro, just listening, eavesdropping in search of the sound


And the voices were, oh so many, some recognized and some new

Ancient dialects of lost words, words lost to the spoken languages

Chants from the ancestors, whispers of the guides of wisdom

Memories not yet lived and lives of those not yet conceived


And immersed as I was in this land of my people, the world’s people

No longer did I yearn for answers; the sound merely a sound

For it was the awakening that was my message; my calling

To listen to those voices, to heed their words in my own silence


And with each step in the ethereal world, I became infused

My mind filled with the knowledge of eons of hope and healing

Energies passing freely through my flesh, filling my soul

Renewing that which I’ve allowed to become complacent


And now I’m ready; cleansed from that which has held me down

My freedom no longer a measurement, but a way of being

Empowered with that which has no description nor name

Understanding that from this point on, my life won’t be the same


And I shall slumber no more…

R J Schwartz
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R J Schwartz

I write about everything and sometimes nothing at all. I'm fascinated by old things, rusty things, abandoned places, or anywhere that a secret might be unearthed. I'm passionate about history and many of my pieces are anchored in one concept of time or another. I've always been a writer, dating back to my youth, but the last decade has been a time of growth for me. I'm continually pushing the limitations of vocabulary, syntax, and descriptive phrasing.

5 thoughts on “Ancestral Healing

  • November 9, 2017 at 6:30 PM

    Well penned and interesting read, Ralph. The dream sent you on a query to seek truth. I sometimes have a dream sent forth from ancestors of the distant path, and I do the same thing – ponder on it till I find what it is they want me to know. Great work.

  • November 10, 2017 at 6:16 PM

    A great piece Ralph, indicative of that states of mind within realms: awake, dream and astral. Greatly descriptive, unnerving and inspiring as echos of time touch our minds. Very much enjoyed my friend.

  • November 10, 2017 at 8:01 PM

    I, for one, hate when I am drifting off to slumber and a story line hits me. I had fallen into the habit of not wanting to get up and write it down when I should. By morning, it has usually drifted away, lost in the pages of time. I was intrigued by how the story morphed on you as you paced the floor, listening to the creaking. Great piece. I enjoyed reading it.

  • November 10, 2017 at 9:59 PM

    The notes app on my iPad gets a lot of use in the middle of the night. It’s nice because I don’t need to turn on the light to write something.

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