The Creative Exiles (TCE) Policies for all Members:
- All posts, including articles and forums, must be in English. We pride ourselves in high quality content, so a good command of the English language is necessary if you want to post content on TCE.
- Duplicate content is allowed on TCE. We like original exclusive content, but we also understand that our writer-members need to be visible and posting across multiple platforms if often integral to their personal success.
- All content is acceptable for publishing on TCE, provided it abides by the Terms of Service.
- Respect for others is always top priority. We have a great community. Supporting and helping each other is so important to keep our community a place of enjoyment for all. Personal attacks, threats, slander, or other attempts to damage another writer’s reputation either through comments, forum posts, or other submissions is unacceptable and could result in dismissal from the site.
- Social Media connections
- Facebook Members Only Group: A fun place for chatting and getting acquainted with other TCE members.
If you are not already a member of the group, contact TCE CEO, John Hansen to be added to the group.
Creative Exiles is all about allowing our writers freedom to write what they want without interference – however we do ask that all members follow a few basic rules. They are as follows:
The site accepts all forms of creative writing: If you wish to publish something that doesn’t have an established category, please contact one of the site Editors contact the editor to submit a proposal.
Please limit profanity and sexual content. Sometimes a shocking word makes more of an impact to the reader than “Gee!”: however, please remember the site is visible to readers of all ages.
Each post must include an image. Images must be original photography, public domain, creative commons, or other free-to-use sources. If you are using another image, you must include the permissions in the attributes section. Image size is important for continuity in the overall site structure and if necessary, some images may be resized.
The Yoast SEO section is there to help you. Posts with higher SEO scores are easier to find in an internet search plus they help our site achieve higher rankings. They are not mandatory, but we encourage members to take advantage of them when possible. Our editors check every post after publishing to improve SEO score, but will never alter the content of a post without communication to the original author.
You can promote a book at the end of each post – but please, only ONE per post.
Finally, we’d like you to complete the “biographical info” section of your User Profile and also sign up for Gravatar. These two things will allow your photograph and biography to be displayed in our Author’s Gallery, in the Author Box at the end of your posts, and in your comments.
And that’s it! We could add rules about members respecting each other and behaving with courtesy on the site: but we know that for all of our wonderful writers, that goes without saying!
Note: strives to adhere to its guiding principle of allowing writers to write without hindrance: however, it reserves the right to vary or add to these rules, in consultation with its members, as necessary.
Updated 14 July, 2017