Whispers among the balsams….

Whispers among the balsams …

Whispers among the balsams

Be aware that if you pry too much
she may take her secrets and leave
Be cautious of how you react
as if a child who’s to listen though never believe

She sways so evenly in soft breezes and sings
tunes you’ve never heard
Though you listen as you know you never have
to silent scream as a cursing word

Mother nature has so very much to say
but we must drown out the background shrill
Sit for a time and ask her softly “what is it
my love ” and be ever still

The firs will bend and the poplars sway
the pine boughs will softly hover
And she may speak or she might cry
she might embrace you as a brother

In the end in the warm and eternal sun you
lay for a time in green grass and ponder
But never forget if you’ve broken her spell
does she trust you now….. she’ll make you wonder


For more works like Whispers among the balsams by this author see Ed Fisher author page on The Creatives Exiles.


Do you know what balsams are? They are a beautiful fir tree. You can read about them on Wikipedia.


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Sometime in my life, I started to write about my life journey, or in poetry, in story perhaps to sort out the missing from the found perhaps and enter them into a place of safekeeping. The soul of the writer is perhaps best described in their own words, emotions and thoughts. If these poems or stories touch something inside you then maybe I have succeeded in sharing. I will not write about my self in profile, because self isn't so important in writing. Only the journey in words and the sharing are important. Why would we say "Now about me!"... I'd rather write about life, nature, serenity ...

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