A Devil on Halloween Night

A Devil on Halloween Night
Liar, destroyer, the God of the Flies
a breeze of nothing but empty darkness
a fallen angel weeping emptiness
Mephistopheles stands without disguise.
His pleasure is to watch us all perish
our destruction his proper element
an infection from wounded pestilent
so suddenly the world seems nightmarish.
Yet without his darkness there is no light
a fresh blood from new dead will circulate
this Devil will never leave our person.
Shatters our beautiful world with his night
like vulture eating flesh will nauseate
offering gift of bitter confusion.
With bodies our souls are bound to this Earth
with vanity illusion of beauty
a never-ending pit his dark duty
within his arms beauty dies as does worth.
As time passes appearance will perish
to create wildfires, storms, and commotion
such horror we are clueless of motion
the sudden loss of all things we cherish.
Calm will never dwell in his footsteps here
what evil spirits wail within his chest
whose voices waver bending like loose sail.
To teach us this world is made up of fear
he will take your souls discomfort to test
to hold a grin and bottle up each wail.
After his curse the lot seems unshaken
only to find themselves feeling despair
as he filets flesh and lays our souls bare
insidious nature will awaken.
He will make lovers break their deep pledges
by sweet excess of his heavy tendrils
somehow we bow as he removes entrails
or as he tests our flesh on sharp edges.
He will dry up lakes and destroy mountains
where birds will land on rivers of acid
when our death comes there will be no welcome.
No mercy as he dries up our fountains
our angry ribboned plea becomes placid
somewhere between Finnsech Street and Gruesome.
For more works A Devil on Halloween Night and other works by this author visit
Jamie Lee Hamann Author Page
You can also find works by Jamie Lee Hamann on HubPages
- On One Terrible Night: The Family Well - November 8, 2024
- A Peaceful Place to Slumber - November 8, 2024
- Soft Shock of Apples Falling - April 22, 2024

Wow ! Such a great character development you have spun here. I shudder when I think about. Well done, Jamie.
Chilling writing, Jamie.