Wish Upon a Firefly

Wish Upon a Firefly


Wish Upon a Firefly

Fireflies twinkling after dark

Light up the greyscale trees,

Trying to attract a mate

Like people that you see.


The stars are trapped high up in space,

They sparkle from afar,

But fireflies hover close at hand,

Children catch them in a jar.


A firefly lantern lights the way

While walking in the dark,

To be released on reaching home

So they retain their spark.


They’re also known as lightning bugs,

And some synchronize their flash.

They taste quite bad to predators

So their light warns “I am trash!”


So, you can wish on shooting stars

And hope that wish comes true.

Or you can trust in fireflies

To bring good luck to you.


I wish that I may often see

A lightning bug within a tree.

Showing me the guiding light,

My pretty beacon in the night.


You can trust in fireflies to bring good luck to you


John Hansen © 2021


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You can also find great works by John Hansen with the pen name of Jodah on HubPages.

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John Hansen

Longtime poet but not in the traditional technical sense. I enjoy rhyme but like to experiment and dabble in many different forms and maybe even make up some of my own. There is always a message or lesson I want to promote through my writing, for that reason, my poetry generally shies away from the abstract and obscure. Now I find myself branching out and experimenting with short fiction, and thoroughly enjoying this, especially flash fiction. I have been fortunate to have two poems made into songs and recorded. The first "On the Road to Kingdom Come" by Al Wordlaw, and the second, "If I Could Write a Love Poem" by award-winning Israeli/British singer Tally Koren. My services increasingly in demand as a freelance writer and I have ghost-written the text for a number of children's books and educational tutorials. It has taken me many years of searching and restlessness to realise that my life's passion is to write. It saddens me that I wasted so many years not devoting to that, but thinking positively, the experiences gained over those years are now wonderful material for my stories and poems. I want to try to bring a new focus on poetry and try to make it appealing to a new generation of young people and those who thought they never liked or understood it before.

8 thoughts on “Wish Upon a Firefly

  • September 11, 2022 at 5:37 PM

    Now that’s something you don’t see in the Big City…where I reside. But Dang…you sure brought back great memories of them on many Camping Trips when I was a Kid. They are such a marvel. You penned it well, John. Great Read about “Wishing Upon a Firefly”. Thanks for the Poetic Get-a-way moment I had of Fireflies lighting up the Sky!

  • September 12, 2022 at 12:33 AM

    No, Steve, it would be very rare to see a firefly find its way to the Big City. I am pleased this poem brought back some fond childhood memories, Thank you for taking the time to read.

  • September 16, 2022 at 7:46 AM

    I love this light-hearted, joyful poem. You know what, John? I have never seen a firefly in person. We did not have them where I grew up, or where I have lived since. You succeeded in making them real for me. Thank you for sharing this special poem.

  • September 16, 2022 at 8:12 AM

    Phyllis, it is my pleasure to make fireflies real for you. I believe that you have never seen them. I had never seen fireflies until about ten years ago when I moved to a rural property that had forested areas.
    I am so glad you enjoyed this poem.

  • September 16, 2022 at 7:02 PM

    Loved this poem and reminded so much of catching lightning bugs when I was a kid on the farm in Kansas. Well done, John.

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