“Crazy-Scared” One Halloween Night

Crazy Scared One Halloween
Big Kid: Scary “Frankenstein” with Big Shoes.


A Narrative Poem Tale about being “Scared” after a Crazy Night: “Trick or Treating.”


Poem: “Crazy-Scared” One Halloween Night


Fall has finally come upon us…a few leaves have started to fall…

A cool breeze…through the trees…tells us Summer has finally given its all.

Halloween is here…and the excitement that all kids have…is in the air…

And is felt throughout each neighborhood…and community…everywhere.

What great fun lies ahead tonight…and Crazy…and Scary; It is a great time to be a kid…

Looking at everyone in their costumes…brings back all the “Trick or Treating”…I did.

Watching as my grandkids…are all dressed up…and starting to head out…so excited…

All the neighborhood kids near them are pouring out of houses…each one so delighted.


Crazy Scared One Halloween
One Crazy Scary Halloween Night

It is time for “Halloween”…tonight…and it is going to be great fun…

I start to remember back to one Halloween of mine and the costume…Yeah…It was a good one.

The “Headless Horseman”…minus the Horse…and I decorated my Mom’s styrofoam wig head…

With a 10-inch nail going through…which I placed up on top of my head….to confirm I’m dead.

Used a big oversized coat…over my head….and left two or three buttons undone near the top to see…

Not a bad idea…for a fourth grader…Mom and Dad had to have been happy…it was all done for free.

(Somehow…I must’ve managed to get around…without banging into everyone or a tree!)

When the costume was completed…it was for sure…I couldn’t see that much…

Put my Dad’s Mock Turtleneck up on top of my head…for an added touch.

Oh Yes…driving away…through the now busy hub…of my Daughter’s neighborhood…

Grinning at old memories of that particular Halloween… some are great…some not so good.

There I was banging around the next street behind ours…with a huge coat well emplaced over me…

I have to laugh…because how I even made it that far…is a joke…’cause for sure…I couldn’t even see!

And my friends all left me hanging…

Bumping into everyone…and banging.

Who can blame them when you are in a race to fill up your “Trick-or-Treat” bag ? 

Who wants to be slowed down by some kid…bumping into you…and starting to lag.

Came down to the point…when it now had become…a personal mission…

To complete “Trick-or-Treating” with this costume…and wishing I had another one…(truly wishing).

Now…the big kids will all find me easy prey…

To jump in front of me…when I can’t see my way.

And scare…the living daylights out of me…

All because I chose this particular costume…and can not see.

Crazy Scared One Halloween
Kid dressed up as: Dracula (Scary!)

Suddenly…I see Draculas’ pouncing down each drive…

One Scary Witch…who says I won’t make it home alive.

Two Mummies are following me…down the street…

Gettin’ So Scared…I can barely get out each “Trick or Treat”.

One Lone Cowboy…appears behind a bush…and unloads his cap gun…

One Big Teen…with a bloody apron on…fires up his chainsaw (no chain) for fun!

One Mad Scientist is cutting off a patient’s hand…as  I try escaping through the next lawn.

One Walking Dead Soldier stops me in my tracks…he says: “Mu-Ha-Ha…I’ll Meet You at Dawn!”

I see a bunch of Vampire decorations hanging around…and the “Joker” from Batman is on the loose…

One big mean kid is dressed like Frankenstein and tries chasing me…but can’t catch me in his big shoes.

I see a Pack of Zombies scaring some other little kids…Glad to see I’m not the only one…

Got one more house to make it to and fill my “Trick or Treat” bag…before I’m done.

Have to get the coveted homemade “Popcorn Ball” the Lady makes at the end of this block…

Reports coming in from all the kids nearby…says she is getting low on stock.

That one treat at the top of my bag will complete my neighborhood “candy-collecting” inventory…

But you better believe this ain’t the end of this Halloween “Trick or Treating” Story.

One more scary prank was left for me at a house…while I’m heading for home…

A Crazy family has a cow brain at the bottom of the candy bucket…they let you reach in on your own.

Let you pick from a bowl of grapes with painted pupils on each one…that make perfect rotten eyeballs…

“Whew!”…lots of scary things out here…till I can make it safely home…behind my own walls.

Crazy Scared One Halloween
One Crazy “Scary Witch” (Boo!)

At home…I meet up with my little brother…and we count out all the wonderful candy we have…

Lots of pieces of candy don’t make it to the final tally…as we talk about this adventure with a laugh.

After we trade out a few candy bars…and eat enough candy…to satisfy a Grizzly Bear…

Mom says it’s time for bed…and we put on our latest “Autumn” Pajamas…to wear.

Tonight is a School Night…what a bummer…

Whoever invented Halloween…should’ve made it for the Summer!

Crawling into bed…on a huge “Trick or Treating” Sugar-high…

Going to make it hard for me to go to sleep….let alone close one eye.

But somewhere…later on…it finally starts to happen…

And my energy and glucose level wind down enough to start nappin’.

Oh…this is what I remember about that night most of all…during that long night…

Were the endless nightmares I had of trying to run away from Scary Creatures…in fright.

I was dodging Draculas’ and couldn’t run a bit…

A Scary Witch with Zombies was after me…and she screamed…a blood-curdling fit.

A huge Frankenstein was coming after me just for fun…

But…I couldn’t move one foot…not even one!

I went around the local street corner and met the Scariest thing yet…

A guy in a bloody apron was after me with a Chainsaw…pretty sure…this thing…I’ll never forget.

And one guy was shootin’ up the street…dressed up like some Crazed Cowboy…

In my dream…everything he was firing out was real…and his gun wasn’t a toy.

Crazy Scared One Halloween
Look out…Crazy Guy with Chainsaw!

And again…as I tried to move my feet…and get out of the way…

Though I was in “High Gear” …all my feet did was…stay.

This was enough to panic me suddenly awake…completely…

And not a sound was left during the late hours…thankfully.

Or I’m pretty sure…I would’ve screamed so loud…you could’ve heard it through the neighborhood…

Definitely…Loud enough to wake-up my entire family for good!

But the quietness that was there…all around my room…at what was now 3 a.m. …

Had me thinking about my full “Trick or Treat” bag…and thinking that I’m going to get more candy…”Yes, for sure I am!”

So I snuck a few more pieces of candy…Unwrapped them quietly…and placed them ever so gently…within my jaw…

My Mouth was stuffed so full…it was amazing I could still even breathe…at all!

Till I remembered…a kids worse fear… as I stared back at my big red wind-up clock…near my bed…

3 A.M. is the “Witching Hour”…pretty sure…I woke up at that time on purpose…pretty sure…I’m about to be DEAD!

Candy falling from my mouth…as I let out a huge scream…

Waking everyone in the house…from their slumber…and their peaceful dream. 

Dad…then Mom…run to see what’s wrong…especially after an eventful Halloween night…

And find me frozen there scared…sitting up in bed…unable to talk…due to fright.

But find a few pieces of candy…lying around…on my top cover…

And Dad says, ” Trick or Treat Night, Bud…is finally over”.

He continued on to say: 

“Nothing going to come into this House tonight…anyway!

Son…I know this for a fact,”

Sure Glad…my Dad was there and had my back.

Crazy Scared One Halloween
3 AM: “The Witching Hour” (Yikes!)

But Mom…had it all figure out…

And…got down to the real reason…that I let out…such a shout.

“Son…have you been eating more Candy…when you should be sleeping?”

A slow nod from me…prompted her next response…”Tonight…the Halloween bag…I’ll be keeping!”

Now after…cleaning up the Candy that fell from my mouth…and putting them sadly…in the trash…

Mom and Dad…stayed around to watch me…as once again…safely…I began to crash.

Until…awoken by the next morning light…

And, had safely made it through the night.

Trying then to figure out…in serious thought…really…trying to concentrate…

On where my Mom had stashed the “Trick or Treat” bag…and how much longer I would have to wait?

Yep…I was Crazy Scared…this One Night of Halloween…

One of my Craziest “Scary” Nights of Halloween…I have ever seen.

With the greatest lesson…I could’ve learned…from this whole event…right on up…to this very day…

“Don’t start screaming from Halloween Nightmares…with contraband candy stuffed in your mouth…or you’ll give yourself…AWAY!”

Decorated Halloween Paper Bag Full of Candy! (Yum-Yum!)

The End.


Hey…not every Moral to a Story…has to be an “Enlightened Thought of Wisdom to pass on down for forever more.”…Ha!

(Also…this thought occurs to me:) Sometimes…you just got’ta learn when to keep your mouth shut…Another Ha! 

Crazy Scared One Halloween
The “Headless Horseman” …Alone in the Night! (Mu-Ha-Ha!)


Thanks for reading: “Crazy Scared” One Halloween Night.


For more great works like this one…keep an eye on Steve Walters’ author page to see what’s next  for The Creative Exiles:


You can also find works by Steve Walters who uses the pen name of  ManlyPoetryMan on HubPages.


Or at Home | Manly Poetry Man

Steve Walters
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6 thoughts on ““Crazy-Scared” One Halloween Night

  • September 28, 2022 at 3:06 AM

    This was a fun Halloween read, Steve. Unfortunately I don’t have any similar Halloween memories good or bad, as we didn’t celebrate it in this country when I was a kid. They are only just starting to in recent years. Nice job.

    • September 28, 2022 at 2:09 PM

      Really glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading and commenting on it! That’s a big bummer that you didn’t get to do Halloween as a kid. This is one time when you can’t say that it is never too late to try! Crazy, fun, and scary (sometimes)…but mostly just full of a lot candy. Tons of Candy! Hope your country has a safe and fun Halloween.

    • September 28, 2022 at 2:12 PM

      Really glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading and commenting on it, Rasma. Hope you had fun recalling lots of childhood memories of scary Halloween nights…Mu-Ha-Ha!

  • October 2, 2022 at 7:31 AM

    I love this so much! Man I absolutely love October and the Halloween writing here on TCE. Great job Steve. What a great read. Jamie

    • October 3, 2022 at 9:58 AM

      Thank you for reading this one, Jamie…and for your encouraging comment of this “Crazy-Scary”Poem and for the Writers really “bringing-it” on TCE with the Halloween writing. Going to have to pause things for a moment to peek in on everybodies’ Halloween editions. Best of Succes to you with allyour writings!

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