A Thanksgiving Feast (2021)

A Thanksgiving Feast
A Thanksgiving Feast

A Thanksgiving Feast (2021)


Lift your countenance for celebration

stand auspicious my dear Lady Fortune

bring food enough to share under the moon

inebriation and satiation.

I beg please sing your song and dance your dance

a time to greet unknown and make new friends

a time for family to make amends

who invited the old woman from France?

Let us give thanks to this harvest and flake

hand me those flowers I am your hostess

in the kitchen is Rosemary and Rue.

Upon the countertops items to bake

for Apple Pie served when we feel gracious

seasonal festivities will ensue.


Be merry gentle persons of this stage

the closest to God is the sheepherder

or callous fingers of a steel worker

this night the curtain rises to new age.

Forget desire remember your faith

forget all your lust remember your strength

to find this peaceful dinner at arm’s length

a week away November Twenty-Fifth.

Grace and Remembrance placed upon you both

to all who sit here strength and health to you

may each of you fall deeply into peace.

Along with red and orange fallen leaf earth

our need to gather with our family grew

before the snow and loss of Autumn Geese.


There is an art in creating nature

to find the secret art that nature makes

as centerpiece to many pies and cakes

these delicate delights begin to nurture.

We offer thanks from our wooden table

Lavender, Mint, Savory, Marjoram

to glance at various flowers sip Rum

and pass the stoneware while we’re still able.

Remember to wear you gloves smooth as snow

a mask to cover you face and your nose

no need for perfume or cologne this year.

How long since we have dined I do not know

to take the time to wear the best of clothes

and give much thanks to those who stand near.


Realize the art itself is nature

to find in winter blooms of Spring flowers

a chill November air to pass the hours

inside a fireplace a flame nurture.

Our voices never rise from a whisper

as we respect the rules of these households

an evening of gratitude unfolds

these memories this family scripture.

Our thanks well written epic Ballad

our prayers for reasonable affairs

and every year we age with grace and love.

Please pass gravy, roll, some Waldorf Salad

each dish prepared by hands desperate cares

and we will eat while snow falls from above.

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Jamie Lee Hamann

My name is Jamie Lee Hamann and I have a passion for writing short fiction and poetry. I started writing for TCE around 2015 and since then I have finished seven collections of poetry and plans for more. I currently live in Lemmon Valley NV with my family. If you desire to find my other work on the internet feel free to stop by my website simplepoetics.weebly.com. The website offers articles on poetry, poems, and links to all my other writing.

5 thoughts on “A Thanksgiving Feast (2021)

  • November 16, 2021 at 7:34 AM

    Excellent work Jamie. Strength and health to you as well. I just hope with inflation going crazy that the meal isn’t too expensive. I love the whole organic feeling. I get from this poem. Nice job.

  • November 18, 2021 at 7:39 AM

    Thanksgiving is my favorite time of the year – as always I look forward to the feast and the company of family… very nicely done Jamie.

  • November 23, 2021 at 3:02 AM

    I sometimes wish we in Australia celebrated Thanksgiving as well. You make it sound so wonderful. I like the reference to the herbs and the poetic language you used in this poem. I wish you and your children a wonderful Thanksgiving, Jamie.

  • November 23, 2021 at 2:29 PM

    Really Enjoyed your Poetic Picture of this wonderful “Thanksgiving” Holiday that is…so very near…at this time. I share with you along the way…through each line…the awe of this day and time…and everything associated with it. Thank you for this Poetic Portrait of Thanksgiving time. Wishing you and family, all your readers and commenters…A Happy Thanksgiving!

  • November 26, 2021 at 11:18 AM

    Great work, Jamie. It has a touch of gallantry as in the days of King Arthur. I love it. Well done.

    I am working backwards with edits and comments because I missed so much when my sister was so sick then passed away. I miss her so much but know she is at peace now. I also know she would not want me to stop my work, but to go forth with precious memories to sustain me. So, I am trying to catch up here and hope you understand. Take care.

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