When the School Campus Closes for Summer

Classes are all done! School campus is closed.

When the School Campus Closes for Summer

1.) Campus


Classes are all done

teacher takes a needed rest

calm on the playground


Where the children played

a lonely wrapper blows by

weathered sidewalk chalk


Laughter once rang out

around these cold monkey bars

now whispers of wind


Where did children go?

When our classrooms close their doors

Summertime is here


Move from class to trees

rest and break from our studies

return to childhood


Remember a space

where children gather laughter



Doorways to the world

explore exotic places

how the living live


Condensed families

move slow through these summer days

some broken dishes.

On School Campus In class with White Glue…

2.) Closes


In class with white glue

hints of life’s deeper meaning

barely holding on


No more strategy

to hold young minds interest

the pencils are down


In noisy households

where seasons heat holds secrets

a struggling garden


The sharpened pencil

a symbol of our learning

presents a sharpened wit


Each grade each degree

never an empty promise

widening the world


When campus closes

where once many children’s feet

a concrete silence


Open books are closed

time to drown in summer heat

or swim in a pool


To run in sprinklers

without thinking about numbers

all the facts are wet.

On empty campus we put away the texts…

3.) For Summer

When parents recall

nostalgic summertime play

away from the school


Put away the texts

return to the library

quiet summer reads


Find friends to run with

down country roads near our home

irrigation ditch


Climb broken fences

try your luck in open fields

Dandelion seed


These generations

learning to live in world

outside of their schools


No bells or deadlines

only suppertime whistles

in evening from Dad


Gather the family

around summer Barbeque

the smells of good food


When cousins will dance

fast stepping summertime joy

a family waltz.

Campus Closed
To run from the campus with a fast stepping summertime joy!

4.) Time

A time for fireworks

to light up a July sky

while our youngest naps


These songs of summer

remain in our memories

defining our home


Our education

as important as our play

builds our character


Just a few months more

the smiles of our new teachers

friends from long ago


With Hopscotch and hugs

school pavement will see new life

ready for new class


Gather adventures

to turn to Swashbuckling

stories on High Seas


Comparing the beach

to an Antarctic Tundra



A place in their book

lost by casual daydream

of our next summer.




Jamie Lee Hamann
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Jamie Lee Hamann

My name is Jamie Lee Hamann and I have a passion for writing short fiction and poetry. I started writing for TCE around 2015 and since then I have finished seven collections of poetry and plans for more. I currently live in Lemmon Valley NV with my family. If you desire to find my other work on the internet feel free to stop by my website simplepoetics.weebly.com. The website offers articles on poetry, poems, and links to all my other writing.

4 thoughts on “When the School Campus Closes for Summer

  • June 23, 2019 at 8:43 PM

    Great work, Jamie. We don’t have a summer break here, rather three small holiday period throughout the year. But your verse shows all the contrast and changes associated with Summer’s gifts. Great phrasing and imagery and thoughts of scenes in stark contrast. Very much enjoyed. Cheers!~

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