Poetic Thoughts
Building castles above the clouds,
gardens of magical flowers,
is the wonder of the life I lead,
as silvery as the spring rains –
while poetic thoughts fill the mind.
In a golden yellow light,
I see the heavens above,
the beauty of nature
and the glory of love.
People all around me,
smile knowing what a dreamer I am,
but then they lose sight,
of rainbows bright.
I know that there will be,
many more shining moments for me,
for I see so much more
and feel emotions with my heart and soul.
No paper remains blank,
when in the dark of night,
inspiration fills my soul
and beautiful music the muses make.
Far, far into the night,
fingers over the keyboard fly,
thoughts like butterflies,
flicker here and there.
The heart cannot be sated,
until poetic thoughts the paper fill,
come and do what you will,
words keep flowing till light streaks the sky.
The muses nod and smile,
poetic thoughts like a river flow,
lights still flickering low
and on and on we go.
When my days head toward sunset,
when the stars start beckoning to me,
still smiling I will be,
leaving behind my golden grains of wisdom.
Leaving this world,
in the arms of my muses,
once more I’ll poetically sigh
and smiling say good-bye.
Then my love will greet me,
so happy we will be,
tripping the light fantastic –
across the Milky Way.
- Her Magical Attic - May 24, 2024
- Reflecting on the Setting Sun - April 9, 2024
- In My Special Dreams - February 16, 2024

Beautifully penned verse, Rasma. It is such a comfort to know a loved one waits to once again greet you with open arms and open heart. Lovely work dear poet.
Thank you, Phyllis.
Nicely penned, Rasma, as we poets spend our lives finding beauty in language. You attest our yearning minds in creating verse for hearts to sate and enjoy. Lovely work my friend.
Thank you, Tony.
A lovely poem, Rasma. I like the imagery of this stanza in particular
“Far, far into the night,
fingers over the keyboard fly,
thoughts like butterflies,
flicker here and there.”
Thank you, John.