Waiting on Halloween – Lucid Dreams With Strangest Themes
My lucid dreams have the strangest themes
Drawn from far and near and in-between
Plus oddities slipping through the seams
And rays of color that flow like streams
I’m in a home, but I’m not alone
Nothing special, not green or a dome
Simple yellow brick, without a hint of chrome
The grass is green, not space age foam
I’m at the window, in a state of sobriety
Not a clue, nor hint of any impropriety
It’s a regular night, not a hint of variety
Standing stoic, watching the chaotic society
Young men enter, face me as their mentor
Gathering close, with me in the center
It seems strange, as I’m just an experimenter
With a long white coat that screams inventor
They all seem clever, just like a fox
Yet none of them are wearing socks
And each one carries a neatly wrapped box
Plus a ring of keys they try in locks
Artful Dodgers, my first impression
My mind imagines the list of transgressions
But clueless as to why this session
They all seem shy, until finally a question
A zombie hoard has overrun the town
Everything bright is turning brown
Things are decaying in a rapid meltdown
Give us help to hunker down
Everyone gather and take a seat
While I pass out covering for your feet
But keep an eye out on the street
And your distance from whom you meet
Use the darkness to find survivors
Some of you can act as drivers
Everyone must gear up as fighters
Today each person becomes MacGyver
Solving problems with imagination
While trying to determine this causation
What unleashed this new damnation?
Something sinister or some mutation
Everyone busy and on a task
Yet in my mind, I need to ask
Is this real or just some mask?
Maybe I’m not sober but inside my flask
Headlights coming across the hill
A body strapped across the grill
Should we run or just stay still?
They pass on by, heading to the landfill
Another minute and another truck
Big fat tires that won’t get stuck
Windows full of drunken bucks
Like my buddies out hunting duck
The line of cars keeps passing by
Noise that sounds like battle cries
But maybe it’s just a shout goodbye
Or a proclamation that we should fly
No, not a chance, we will not run
To the vault! Grab the guns!
Hand them out, one by one
Time for zombie killing fun!
My prepper pay-off has arrived
Feeling finally satisfied
All those fears materialized
The undead crowd is just outside
Shoot and shoot and shoot some more
Let them know what we have in store
Watch them drop and hit the floor
Welcome to the final war!
Suddenly colored lights from overhead
Our band responds with shots of lead
Yet the glow gets bigger, spawning dread
Splitting us apart until widespread
Then one by one a piercing beam
Living soldiers start to scream
Watch them go; they turn to steam
Gone from crazy to extreme
Both zombies and now UFO’s
Squeeze off rounds like I’m in Chicago
Duck and cover, check my ammo
When I’m overcome with vertigo
Thought we were winning, but now I’m spinning
Vision blurry, air is thinning
Fighting zombies, who was I kidding?
Should have ran in the beginning
My final thought in this last scene
While I float up towards an alien machine
My head a mess with salient dreams
How many days until Halloween?
- So Many Words - January 1, 2025
- The Loving Peace of Christmas Noise - December 20, 2024
- A Light To Guide Us Through The Storm - November 15, 2024

Good grief! Should not have read this just before I am ready to crawl in bed for the night !!! Great spooky war to prepare us for Halloween. Well done, Ralph. Well done, indeed. And I like your clever format.
What’s even stranger about this piece is most of it was from an actual dream I had on the night of September 11th
Whoa! Some dream that must have been. It makes for a spooky poem.
Ralph if this is from a dream you had – you must cut down on the caffeine. Hahaha – Awesome and very entertaining to say the least.
This is one awesome scary poem. Just right for Halloween
Nothing better than a dream,
To scare us all and make us scream.
The best poem I have so far seen
For 2018s Halloween.
Good job Ralph. I loved it.
Ralph, your rhyming is sooo good and fun to read. BOO!!!
Thanks Everyone – Sorry if I’ve not been around much lately (busy)