Blue Star Souls Who Live Love

Blue Star Souls …

blue star
Blue Star Souls Who Live Love

So very long ago and so far away,
Whereupon the bright blue star,
We loved and lived many life times in peace,
In my soul memories still are
Deep within, where abides hope for my lost love,
To find him whether near or far.

Life on the blue star was one of peace,
Of living only in love,
A way of life not known in this world today,
We loved all beauty above,
Beauty for us was everything in our world,
Nature’s gifts, all thereof.

This was the only way of life we knew,
On our blue star long ago,
We were all the same in Creator’s eyes,
All things, every living soul,
We loved true and were loved wholly,
And lived in peace without woe,
We knew not hatred and warring ways,
The people on this Earth know.

The Mother made all in nature beautiful,
All life was in harmony,
Yes! – Balance with all things, all within love.
Then we began wondering,
Is this all there is in life, is there more,
Are there other things we need to see?

Wandering minds and questions angered Creator,
And we were told to let it be,
Yes, we were told to let it be!
Yet, far too many tried other ways to live,
And demons then arose from the sea,
To possess those who wanted more than just love,
And we were severed from all beauty,
Life on our blue star became unbearably cruel,
The home we knew destroyed completely.

Souls were scattered, many came here to planet Earth,
And all were told to learn now we must,
In new shells we began a life of hard learning,
And differences of love and lust,
Hatred, killing, destruction of nature grew fast,
Blue star souls saw that little in this life would last,
They began to yearn for all that was just,
Began to work for all that was just.
So when we return to a life of peace and harmony,
We will remember and always let it be.

Thus here I am on Earth, seeking my beloved,
Many times thought I had reached my goal,
From among the blue star souls scattered far and wide,
The one who once loved me, made me whole,
I did find my love, and if we must be apart,
He will always be in my heart and soul.

Author’s Note

This poem was inspired by my fascination with stars, especially the blue supergiants of the cosmos. This image is of Supergiant Rigel and IC 2118 in Eridanus.

blue star



© 2017 Phyllis Doyle Burns

Phyllis Doyle Burns
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Phyllis Doyle Burns

I am an author on TCE and write mainly in poetry and short stories. I have always liked to write. It is important to me that writing comes from my heart and soul. When writing poetry, if I do not feel a spiritual connection to what I am writing on, I will discard it and go on to something I can connect with on a spiritual level. I live in the moment, I write from the past or beyond the veil. When writing fiction I go with whatever inspires me at the moment - it could be funny, sorrowful, romantic or sometimes done with the use of colloquial language from mountain folk or other cultural regions. I began writing content online in 2007, starting with BellaOnline - A Voice For Women, where I was the Native American Editor, Folklore & Mythology Editor, and the Appalachian Editor. I also wrote articles for The Examiner, Daily Two Cents, and Yahoo. I am currently an author on HubPages. Most of what I write takes a lot of research and I love it. Even if it is a fictional story, I will research for accuracy in whatever it takes to make my characters, their era, their location, etc. become realistic to the reader. I hope you enjoy my works. Thank you for visiting.

8 thoughts on “Blue Star Souls Who Live Love

  • February 15, 2018 at 6:43 PM

    Nicely penned and heart-felt Phyllis, as with all civilizations, technology has always driven them to war and destruction, and let us hope one day we can live a peaceful life like your blue start souls. Great work.

    • February 15, 2018 at 6:52 PM

      Thank you so much, Tony. Yes, let us hope that some day to live in peace will come true. So happy you enjoyed this work. Take care. x

  • February 16, 2018 at 12:43 PM

    Very ethereal and celestial piece. I thoroughly enjoyed it. We still haven’t figured out how to live peacefully. Too many obstacles and too much pressure. Hopefully we can be one with peace and the earth soon. Great job Phyllis.

    • February 16, 2018 at 3:01 PM

      Thank you, Paul. It will be wonderful when we can be one and at peace with Earth. I am so glad you like this piece and appreciate your visit.

  • February 26, 2018 at 4:31 PM

    A fascinating write, with so many thoughts weaved within. I related the first two stanzas to the most beautiful writing of a former friend of mine who goes by “Gh.” The next few brought me full circle from where you started in your piece, through our own genesis as human beings to where we are now.The last brought to me the intensity of true love, one who loves, no matter where they are. The whole piece is amazing, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you!

    • February 26, 2018 at 5:23 PM

      You are most welcome, Donald and thank you so much. I had great fun writing this piece. Sometimes I like to go beyond our own world and time to find something new, yet still relate spiritually. I am so glad you enjoyed the story so much.

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