Oh, Pumpkin Head!

Jack-o’Lantern Reunion Challenge

“Oh, Pumpkin Head” is my submission for the Jack-o’-Lantern Reunion Challenge issued by Phyllis Doyle in our latest newsletter. Having grown up in Australia at a time when Halloween was  not celebrated (it is not one of our traditions) I may be at a slight disadvantage in writing about Halloween or Jack-0′-Lanterns.

I always envied my US counterparts being involved in such a wonderful celebration and eagerly watched US Television shows and movies about Halloween. Fortunately for Australian children today, Halloween celebrations like trick-or-treat have now been embraced. For this reason I had to write something for this challenge. This is it:


Oh, Pumpkin Head!
Oh, Pumpkin Head!

Oh, Pumpkin Head!

Oh, Pumpkin Head

Show me your light,

As the Jack-0′-Lantern

 All Hallow’s Eve night.

From Will-o’-the-Wisp

Your creation transpired,

For the Harvest Season

In place of bonfires.

That devilish grin

Upon your orange face

Puts all evil spirits

Back in their place.

You sit in the window

Glaring into the dark,

Your candle-lit face

Haunting and stark.

Ghouls, ghosts, and witches,

Living dead zombie hordes,

None are as eerie

As carved-faced gourds.

Carved Faced Gourds
Carved Faced Gourds


by John Hansen © 2016

John Hansen
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John Hansen

Longtime poet but not in the traditional technical sense. I enjoy rhyme but like to experiment and dabble in many different forms and maybe even make up some of my own. There is always a message or lesson I want to promote through my writing, for that reason, my poetry generally shies away from the abstract and obscure. Now I find myself branching out and experimenting with short fiction, and thoroughly enjoying this, especially flash fiction. I have been fortunate to have two poems made into songs and recorded. The first "On the Road to Kingdom Come" by Al Wordlaw, and the second, "If I Could Write a Love Poem" by award-winning Israeli/British singer Tally Koren. My services increasingly in demand as a freelance writer and I have ghost-written the text for a number of children's books and educational tutorials. It has taken me many years of searching and restlessness to realise that my life's passion is to write. It saddens me that I wasted so many years not devoting to that, but thinking positively, the experiences gained over those years are now wonderful material for my stories and poems. I want to try to bring a new focus on poetry and try to make it appealing to a new generation of young people and those who thought they never liked or understood it before.

10 thoughts on “Oh, Pumpkin Head!

  • October 23, 2016 at 6:43 AM

    I love it John! I was happy to see some Halloween posts come out after that challenge. You can pop out great poems with seemingly little effort. Well done.

  • October 23, 2016 at 6:47 AM

    Thank you, Phyllis. Glad you enjoyed this Halloween poem. Yes, it is great to see a few being published already after your challenge.

  • October 23, 2016 at 9:42 AM

    Great John, you captured the mood beautifully. I didn’t realize Australian’s didn’t previously partake. It’s changed here quite a bit over the years. We pull our children a bit closer, due to the crazies who have made it less safe. Still, a fun holiday to let loose and enjoy with the family. Well done.


  • October 23, 2016 at 10:12 AM

    Thank you, Mel. It is only in recent years that Halloween has been enbraced here ..mainly started for commercial purposes I think. The stores could see the money making potential. We still don’t get a holiday for it though, which is a shame.

  • October 23, 2016 at 3:21 PM

    Hey, thanks Jackie. Yes, I was envious. Never mind, it wasn’t the only fun thing as a child. We used to have Guy Fawkes (Cracker Night) at least where we could let off fireworks.

  • October 23, 2016 at 11:03 PM

    Nicely penned John, and even though we have no real experience with Halloween, coming from Australia, your delightful poem was filled with wonder and its intent.

  • October 23, 2016 at 11:16 PM

    Thanks, Tony. Glad I was able to capture the Halloween atmosphere despite my limited Aussie upbringing.

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