Could You, Would You, for Love?

For Love?

Would You, Could You, for Love
Would You, Could You, for Love

A spine I have,
not death wish proud or bravery prone,
but it does hold this flesh upright,
so metaphorically I am allowed
to believe I would protect mine own
against all adversity;
damn my flesh if I don’t,
if time calls on me to savage make
this pacifist’s aching mind in times of attack.

I am loving, kind and uphold a keen morality,
but if circumstances demand action,
no life would be sacred in my ruthless removal of it,
to of course save my loved ones,
and then in balance I could tear hearts out
with my bare hands, let brood sanctify my course,
and be that base animal
that lives in my deep recesses,
ready to exact hurt in defense of those
with whom life holds no value.

I hold life, all life, with the uttermost value,
and taking it would be a sad conclusion,
but I would if I had to in righteous consideration,
and carry that karma onward in acceptance,
knowing that all who kill in righteous belief are deluded,
for right cannot be at the whim of belief,
as we are so biased and corrupt unto ourselves,
and in stooping to robbing souls,
there is no justification.

But I would still do the same;
I am human, and filled with ineptitude,
ruled by reason and swayed by love,
and it would be my decision, one life for another,
and whatever I must endure I know,
I have stood by my loved ones,
and there is honor in that,
love serving intention even in death,
till the end of time.

Tony DeLorger
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Tony DeLorger

Full time author, freelance writer, poet and blogger since 1999. Twenty one published works, past winner of 'Poet of the Year' on HubPages, 'Poem of the Year' on The Creative Exiles, writer for, Google+, videos on YouTube and book sales on website, Amazon and

6 thoughts on “Could You, Would You, for Love?

  • October 27, 2016 at 7:24 PM

    Wow! I don’t read much (okay any) poetry, but this is excellent. I’ll check out more of your stuff and maybe someday I can write a poem. OK, probably not! LOL!

  • October 27, 2016 at 7:37 PM

    Thanks Ronnie, glad you were impressed. I started out writing poetry at around 12 years of age. Always loved the genre for its expedient delivery and use of language. I have 16 published books, mostly novels but poetry has always been my love. It is an exacting art and sadly not as fashionable these days. But as a writer I would encourage you to try because it teaches the writer a lot about succinct expression and the use of words to covey your intent. Cheers my friend.

  • October 27, 2016 at 7:42 PM

    I so agree with this thought Tony. Yes, life is sacred and for the sake of love I would and could stand by my loved ones in honor. Very well penned and emotive.

  • October 27, 2016 at 7:58 PM

    Thank you Phyllis, I do believe we are capable of virtually anything if given the circumstances. We are with fault and all we can do if faced with such dilema is follow our hearts and accept the consequences.

  • October 27, 2016 at 8:16 PM

    Most of us are made that way Tony, family is so dear to us and you said it very well the lengths we may go to to protect our love ones.

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