Just Beyond the Unseen Veil
Just Beyond …

So often when I feel its presence there
There’s nothing I can do but turn and stare
Trying to grasp but usually I fail
To reach out just beyond that unseen veil
I feel it, sense it, sometimes even breathe
In the unknown scents from unknown wreaths
If only I’d a ship to board and sail
To that strange place beyond the unseen veil
Why the longing, oh, my restless soul?
The thrill of possibilities unexplored?
Or some strange music from a parallel tale
The haunting call from beyond the unseen veil
The delicious thrill of being so close but not
Beyond the unseen veil with mystery is fraught
- The fibre of your being - August 4, 2017
- Light and Shade - August 4, 2017
- In The Year 3016 - September 19, 2016

Shalini, I love well-written sonnets and this one was no exception. Great work.
Thank you, John!
Lovely sonnet, Shalini. I love sonnets and you wrote this very well.
Thanks for reading, Phyllis. It is my favourite verse form 🙂
Lovely work Shalini, and there are so many veils in life, beyond which is glimmered truth. Well constructed and evocative work. Nicely penned.
Thanks so much, Tony!
Shalini, please read the forum thread Book or eBook of The Creative Exiles at
We are in the gathering stage of collecting poems published on TCE for our book. This sonnet and your other poems would be a lovely addition. If you want to participate, please post a list of your poem titles (up to 10) in the thread and Jamie will pick it up to add to our growing list. Thank you.
Just read it, Phyllis – what a great idea! Give me a couple of days and I’ll put some more up here and post a list.
Wonderful ! Thank you, Shalini.
A side of you I have not seen before….very well done!
Thanks so much, Bill!
I love sonnets and yours are very well written. Thank you for sharing this and your other sonnets. Jamie
And thank you for going through all of them and commenting!
Hello Shalini , This is a bit romantic too , I have always wondered about the burka in the middle eastern countries , and the magic behind them , Yet life itself is full of mysteries if only we don’t lose our passions for seeking them . Very nice writing and imaging !…………Ed
Thank you for reading, EdF!