The Empath

The Empath …

The Empath…dealing with the thoughts of others

Uneasy with the thoughts of many,
buzzing direction-less sprays of negativity,
and I reel from their affront,
my balance and quiet of mind
confront my open heart.

Twisted this malice given,
by those in chaos, the lives they’re living,
and thoughts like bullets fly through air,
and I duck and weave trying not to care,
but its too late.

I wear their refuse like clad rags,
weighted, dark and burdensome,
as those thoughts so destructive begin to numb me down,
and I feel sick, frantic to escape the onslaught,
survive their hard edges.

I need my quiet, my solitary time,
to digest what I did not consider mine,
and as I restore my balance I try not to let myself
absorb so much of others,
to more validate my pariah life.

It is sad to hold so much, to feel what is not meant,
but life hands out what gifts we take
and this is my burden to accept,
as feeling and understanding is a gift,
although often it feels anything but.

Tony DeLorger
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Tony DeLorger

Full time author, freelance writer, poet and blogger since 1999. Twenty one published works, past winner of 'Poet of the Year' on HubPages, 'Poem of the Year' on The Creative Exiles, writer for, Google+, videos on YouTube and book sales on website, Amazon and

4 thoughts on “The Empath

  • July 12, 2016 at 1:56 PM

    This world comes at us like the speed of light at times, bombarded with chaos, our world in turmoil. Death surrounds us, indignation to mankind affront us daily on the air waves, we can’t escape the technology that offers up news daily. We must hide ourselves, go into seclusion, turn off the white noise and focus on our thoughts. As poets the very air around us we inhale and exhale with deliberation, we can’t however turn off our Muse who attacks us with verse, good, bad and the ugly. So be easy on yourself dear poet, just let it be, imagine a world beyond what we exist in. Think always of love, peace and joy and pray that the world becomes a better place. Nicely worded as always, your words impact the reader of them.

  • July 12, 2016 at 4:32 PM

    Much appreciated Vincent, for all your kindness and support. Like you I have my good days and bad, and always try to focus on love and beauty, for that saves this soul from hopelessness. Take care my friend.

  • August 18, 2017 at 4:40 PM


    Yes, true of the Empaths, as Vincent, described so masterfully in his comment above. Words, true to my own heart, are organized in stunning accordance in this sublime poem, with what it feels like to be an Empath. It is your last paragraph that is the most poignant, and striking of all. Beautiful!

  • August 18, 2017 at 6:38 PM

    Glad you related Tamara, thank you again for your support and kindness. have a great day!

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