The Rhyparographer

Hell Painting


The rhyparographer, inaniloquent and oft faineant

Solitary unless presented with a chance to deturpate

Orgulous in his defamation of all things pure

Abnormous hodmandods lining a darkened road

Pulveratricious canvases with thwarterous figures

Blandiose pieces of ithyphallic undernourished children

A Quaintrelle, arms outstretched lying in a cesspool

Moirologists filling the pews of a livestock wedding

Perversions of nature, icterical as from a bygone age

He feeds from the murgeons and mussitations

Takes pleasure at the infelicific environment he creates

His foudroyant fleer a constant companion

Epithymy for praise his nihilarian concoctions

His passiuncle a lushberg in a sack of gold.


This piece is a an example of Godwottery – use of archaic language.  It started out as something quite different but morphed into something quite dark and medieval.  Here are the definitions of the words you may not quickly recognize since they are obsolete for the most part.

Godwottery – Use of archaic language

Rhyparographer – An artist whose subject matter is sorrowful or contains unpleasant topics

Inaniloquent – Full of idle talk

Faineant – A person who is a do-nothing, loafer, idle

Deturpate – To make something ugly or to defile something.

Orgulous – Proud or haughty.

Pulveratricious – Means dust-colored.

Thwarterous – Adjective meaning twisted or gnarled.

Abnormous – Misshapen

Blandiose – Adjective describing something that wants to be grand (or has pretentious grandeur) but is only bland.

Hodmandod – A strange person; a scarecrow

Icterical- Tinged with yellow

Ithyphallic – Indecent or obscene

Lushburg – A counterfeit coin.

Quaintrelle – A well-dressed woman

Moirologist – Someone who has been hired to mourn at a funeral.

Murgeon – Grimaces

Mussitation – To mutter or murmur

Infelicific – To make unhappy

Foudroyant – Adjective meaning thundering noisy.

Fleer – To laugh in a disrespectful or jeering manner

Epithymy – Desire, Lust. Not to be confused with epiphany

Nihilarian – A person who deals with things of no importance

Passiuncle – A petty or contemptible passion.



R J Schwartz
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R J Schwartz

I write about everything and sometimes nothing at all. I'm fascinated by old things, rusty things, abandoned places, or anywhere that a secret might be unearthed. I'm passionate about history and many of my pieces are anchored in one concept of time or another. I've always been a writer, dating back to my youth, but the last decade has been a time of growth for me. I'm continually pushing the limitations of vocabulary, syntax, and descriptive phrasing.

4 thoughts on “The Rhyparographer

  • May 12, 2016 at 10:27 PM

    What a delightful and educational read, Ralph. I was about to delve into my dictionary but had a feeling as I read that most of these words would not be found there. In fact I feel some should be resurrected especially “blandeose” and “hodmandod”.

  • May 12, 2016 at 11:09 PM

    How fun this is, Ralph. Kept me busy for quite awhile deciphering the words and phases. I knew what ‘oft’ meant, though. I like the word Godwottery, it would be hard to get used to talking in such archaic phrases, but I enjoyed this piece.

  • May 13, 2016 at 10:01 PM

    What a wild bunch of tongue twisters for sure, I too was ready to start Googling your words for definitions. You sure spent some quality time and resourcefulness finding these amazing words. I had difficulty running them off my tongue, I must confess you had me stumped with all of them. Nicely done Ralph, a truly colorful display of word crafting words for sure. Well done sir.

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