How I Find Peace Within my Heart and Soul
How I Find Peace Within my Heart and Soul …

When I need to find peace within my heart and soul, there are many things I can do to achieve this.
Many years ago when I was going through a difficult time there seemed to be no way out of the depression which engulfed me. At the time I was the editor of a Native American site and developed a few very good friendships with people from different tribes throughout the country. I was very close to one friend in particular whom I shared personal problems with. After several conversations we had she recommended an elder from her tribe and said she would ask him to contact me if I thought it might help. She was very confident that it would give me the help I needed.
The elder my friend recommended helped me a lot and I began to feel better about myself. We communicated via email daily for several weeks. It was not an overnight change in my moods and feelings about my life and self — it took time, patience, and faith in myself.
Because this elder is a descendant of a holy man, I cannot reveal all he taught me. He needed to express this just once and I never forgot. I think of him often and apply his teachings to my life even though it has been many years since we spoke.
One thing I can reveal is that the elder taught me how to go within and listen to the voice of my soul. How do I achieve this? I find a place where I am totally alone, preferably in nature. Now that I am much older and have many health issues I cannot go trekking out in nature like I used to, but I am able to visualize places in nature I once visited and had good experiences in. A place in a forest and near water is what works best for me.
I sit quietly and remove all thoughts in my mind except for the peace and quiet of the place I want to spiritually transport to. If any thoughts which are not in my deepest part of me, my soul, I gently push them away. Eventually my mind is clear and open to what my soul needs to tell me. I always return to my physical self and awareness feeling lighter and filled with love and peace.
As I am writing this, I want to express the love and peace I felt about an hour ago. I was focusing on the elder who helped me when I sensed someone trying to spiritually contact me. I sat here for a few minutes and listened to the voice of my soul then bundled up good because it is very cold outside, then went out on my patio and sat in my comfy chair which is sheltered in a corner under the patio cover. I was at first shaking from the cold as I watched it snow.
Suddenly I felt warm and could feel the presence of my father who passed away thirty-four years ago. I could see him sitting in a chair facing me. All other thoughts other than my father were gone and I began conversing with him mentally. Father gave me the gift of peace and love I so desperately needed due to so many issues and trauma with family crisis over the last two years. He told me many things I needed to hear and understand, even some secrets which have never been spoken of but were within my subconscious. He confirmed these hidden secrets I knew deeply within but never thought they were true. We both found acceptance and peace and a great weight just lifted off me. Father looked more peaceful and joyous that he did when he first appeared to me, even more so than he was in life. These secrets are only between Father and me and will always remain so. I have never in my life felt this much peace and love.
I have never been so open about my most personal thoughts yet felt the need to write all this and share it — maybe with the hope that what I have experienced since the elder and Father helped me will help someone else.
Blessings to you. Always have faith in yourself, remain true to yourself and follow your heart. Take care.

© 2023 Phyllis Doyle Burns
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For more works by this author see Phyllis Doyle Burns on The Creative Exiles.
and Phyllis Doyle Burns on HubPages
- Ode to Voices in Desert Sands - August 14, 2023
- My Secluded Mountain Forest Nook - July 24, 2023
- My Cozy Log Cabin in the Woods - July 22, 2023

Phyllis. I’m am truly happy you’ve found some sense of peace and clarity in your life. It is refreshing to hear. Thank you for sharing.
Paul, thank you so much for reading and for your kind words which have found a place in my heart.
Wow – thanks for sharing this part of your private life. It’s very inspiring.
Ralph, you are most welcome. Thank you for encouraging me with your comment.
Phyllis inspiring write about your spiritual journey. I enjoy hearing your story and I am moved by your love of nature. I also spend much time in natural places I have travelled to in the past. Your friend. Jamie
Jamie, thank you so much for your uplifting comments. Take care my friend.
Phyllis thank you for opening your heart and sharing this inspirational story. I sometimes also have a sense that one or both of my parents are watching over me or trying to give me advice that everything will be okay in difficult situations. Reading this touched my heart.
John your kind words have given me more peace in my heart. Thank you so much. I know parents and their children never lose that special bond. Death does not separate us spiritually. I am happy to know you can sense when your parents are near. Cherish those times.