Wonderful Christmas Things I Love – Acrostic

Wonderful Christmas Things…

Christmas things


White Christmas morning
Ornaments decorating my tree
Nativity scene
Decorations in the yard
Epiphany Customs
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
Festive gatherings
Under the tree gifts
Listening to Christmas songs

Cookies baking in my kitchen
Holly upon the mantle
Reindeer prancing in the snow
Icicles hanging from the roof
Sleigh bells ringing
Turkey roasting
Mistletoe in the archway
Advent Calendar
Santa Claus

Three Kings cake
Holiday cheer
I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day song
Nutcrackers standing in a row
Gingerbread Man Cookies
Snowman in my yard

Three Kings Cake (Galette des Rois) Customs and Recipe

Christmas things
Galette des Rois

The Three kings’ cake is a delicious treat which is traditionally served on January 6th during Epiphany. The season begins on the Twelfth night after Christmas and is to commemorate the arrival of the three kings to see the baby Jesus.

Le Cordon Bleu Master Chefs have a wonderful recipe which follows the traditional version served in Northern France. Hidden within the cake is a bean. When the cake is served, the person who has the bean is crowned king or queen for the festivities.

This Parisian version is a flat, round puff pastry cake filled with a thin layer of almond cream. (I am allergic to almonds so my filling is a cream cheese filling as a substitute.)

Some regions have different versions in shape and design. You can see several photos on Wikipedia for ideas.


Enjoy your wonderful Christmas things and Happy Holidays to all.


© 2020 Phyllis Doyle Burns

Phyllis Doyle Burns
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Phyllis Doyle Burns

I am an author on TCE and write mainly in poetry and short stories. I have always liked to write. It is important to me that writing comes from my heart and soul. When writing poetry, if I do not feel a spiritual connection to what I am writing on, I will discard it and go on to something I can connect with on a spiritual level. I live in the moment, I write from the past or beyond the veil. When writing fiction I go with whatever inspires me at the moment - it could be funny, sorrowful, romantic or sometimes done with the use of colloquial language from mountain folk or other cultural regions. I began writing content online in 2007, starting with BellaOnline - A Voice For Women, where I was the Native American Editor, Folklore & Mythology Editor, and the Appalachian Editor. I also wrote articles for The Examiner, Daily Two Cents, and Yahoo. I am currently an author on HubPages. Most of what I write takes a lot of research and I love it. Even if it is a fictional story, I will research for accuracy in whatever it takes to make my characters, their era, their location, etc. become realistic to the reader. I hope you enjoy my works. Thank you for visiting.

4 thoughts on “Wonderful Christmas Things I Love – Acrostic

  • December 13, 2020 at 7:20 AM

    My favorite time of year and your acrostic covers all the best parts. I love King’s Cake but have not seen it around since I lived in the South. Your friend Jamie.

  • December 18, 2020 at 8:29 PM

    A wonderful Christmas acrostic poem, Phyllis. I have never heard of a King’s Cake before but sounds interesting. I wonder if hiding a bean is it is related to our custom of hiding small coins (originally threepences and sixpences) in Christmas puddings. Merry Christmas to you.

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