Christmas Time Is Here Again: A Collection of Christmas Poetry

Christmas Time
Christmas Tree

The True Christmas

The Christmas tree is all aglow,

There’s tinsel everywhere,

Mistletoe above the door,

And holly in your hair.

† ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ †

Carols are sung by young and old,

The church has Midnight Mass.

Presents all are brightly wrapped,

For every lad and lass.

† ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ †

Friends and family gather near,

They come from near and far.

The women bake the meat and veg,

While men drink at the bar.

† ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ †

It seems to be a happy time,

All cares are pushed aside.

But all is not just as it seems,

This is a sad Yuletide.

† ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ †

For those who live their lives alone,

Or habitat the streets,

Christmas is a lonely time,

No presents, cheer or treats.



Wish Him Merry Christmas

Hear the jingle of the bells,

Holly decks the halls,

A Christmas tree with sparkling lights,

And tinsel on the walls.

† ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ †

To see the presents brightly wrapped

makes my Christmas sad.

Wish Him Merry Christmas
Wish Him “Merry Christmas”  from his loving daughter Jane

† ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ †

There’s one for Tom, and Mom, and me,

But not a one, marked ‘Dad’.

† ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ †

My Daddy’s gone away you see,

He isn’t coming home.

Mom said he’s got another life,

But I’m sure he is alone.

† ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ †

Dad misses us, I know he does,

He told me on the phone.

But Mommy doesn’t want him back,

She said, “The bird has flown”.

† ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ †

I wrote to Santa Claus last night,

And scribbled on my pad,

“I don’t want any other gifts,

Just please bring back my Dad.”

† ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ †

“But if you can’t convince him,

And apart we must remain,

Then wish him “Merry Christmas”,

From his loving daughter, Jane.


Christmas Time is Here Again

Christmas comes ’round quicker every year

At least that’s how it seems.

Maybe God has sped up time,

Or it’s some universal scheme.

Birth of Jesus
Birth of Jesus

† ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ †

The New Year’s barely come and gone,

Celebrations just died down,

Easter, May Day, Thanksgiving,

And the next Christmas comes around.

† ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ †

Every week has been so full

With little time to rest.

Lots of goals have been attained,

Despite the many tests.

† ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ †

Now December’s here again,

Christmas parties every week.

Family comes from near and far

To fellowship and feast.

† ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ †

Before we blink the year will end,

A new year will unfold.

First, it’s important that the tale

Of the Nativity be told.

† ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ †

That’s what Christmas is about,

The birth of Jesus Christ.

We can’t forget it’s origins

Or we’ll all be hypocrites.

† ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ † ∞ †

So, here’s to Jesus’ holy birth,

Raise your glass and say, “Here, here!”

“Lord we thank you for this food,

And friends to share this beer.”


by John Hansen © 2018

John Hansen
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John Hansen

Longtime poet but not in the traditional technical sense. I enjoy rhyme but like to experiment and dabble in many different forms and maybe even make up some of my own. There is always a message or lesson I want to promote through my writing, for that reason, my poetry generally shies away from the abstract and obscure. Now I find myself branching out and experimenting with short fiction, and thoroughly enjoying this, especially flash fiction. I have been fortunate to have two poems made into songs and recorded. The first "On the Road to Kingdom Come" by Al Wordlaw, and the second, "If I Could Write a Love Poem" by award-winning Israeli/British singer Tally Koren. My services increasingly in demand as a freelance writer and I have ghost-written the text for a number of children's books and educational tutorials. It has taken me many years of searching and restlessness to realise that my life's passion is to write. It saddens me that I wasted so many years not devoting to that, but thinking positively, the experiences gained over those years are now wonderful material for my stories and poems. I want to try to bring a new focus on poetry and try to make it appealing to a new generation of young people and those who thought they never liked or understood it before.

10 thoughts on “Christmas Time Is Here Again: A Collection of Christmas Poetry

  • November 29, 2018 at 9:16 PM

    Some poignant work on the countdown to Christmas, John. I guess we all need reminding of the value of family and sharing love on any occasion. My heart goes out to those whose Christmas just reminds them of pain and isolation. Well done my friend.

  • November 29, 2018 at 11:25 PM

    Thanks Tony, Yes, Christmas can be both the happiest time of year for some and the saddest loneliest for others.

  • November 29, 2018 at 11:32 PM

    Lovely poems, John. I enjoyed reading them. It is sad to know there are so many who will have nothing and no one with them during Christmas. We have several missions and organizations here that offer free Christmas dinner to those who need it.

    I wish for you and your loved ones a blessed and happy Christmas season. Take care.

  • November 29, 2018 at 11:34 PM

    Yes, we have similar organizations here Phyllis. Thank you for your kind words and I also wish you and yours a joyous Christmas season.

  • November 30, 2018 at 2:23 PM

    So many different view points about Christmas. We so easily look over those who have no one, because maybe it hasnt happened to us Yet. I think each piece shows the importance of the true meanings of Christmas. Nice work John.

  • November 30, 2018 at 7:06 PM

    Thank you, Paul. Yes, we often just concentrate on our own family and situation without realising what others go through. I can’t imagine spending it alone.

  • December 1, 2018 at 8:24 AM

    Tis a sad season for many, fond and bitter memories for some. “Wish him Merry Christmas” was especially poignant to me John. There is no greater loss than that of one’s family, yet in the family of Christ one has forgiveness for wrong doings, I am thankful for our Savior. I must take this opportunity to thank you from one poet to another for the many contributions throughout the year you have penned and shared with us here John, I have a deep respect for your talent. I wish you and yours a very joyous and Merry Christmas from this Canadian poet. May your heart be filled with love and peace this wondrous time of year. Best of the Season to you John Hansen.

  • December 1, 2018 at 9:06 PM

    Hi Vincent, “Wish Him Merry Christmas” is my favourite also. I know some people personally who are really dreading this Christmas because they have loved ones who past away during the year and this will be the first Christmas without them.
    I appreciate your kind words in regard to my writing, and I also wish you a happy yuletide and prosperous New Year, from this poet in Australia.

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