In all reality, Life is fantasy bound

Bound by our nature, and bound by our mind
In all reality, life is fantasy bound
We are created constantly as we rearrange our shape
inside and out as we constantly quake
Onward through life
we possess what we’re given
Backwards and forwards we take as we’re driven
As our true self returns in passionate form
the brain seeks itself in breezes so warm
Where there are thoughts in crafted illusion
all reality arises in such subtle delusion
In all reality, fantasy bound
as it all becomes us in fact
reality and fantasy join together
causing us, in essence, to relax
When thought beyond measure reaches the mind
bringing us cause to rethink
edges of remnants of thoughts from before
bring the mind to the brain at the brink
Reality presses its hand on the edge
as fantasy carouses so deeply inside
where dreams become each other
giving each a place to run and hide
In all reality, fantasy bound,
we relieve our heart with nary a sound
Beyond those words in reality expressed
arises fantasy which closes the show
on to the path our mind seeks to take
reliving those scenes our brain never knows
Only when sparked by disease so bad
and united with drugs awful fright
is the mind’s complete picture brought into focus
eclipsing sunny day with horrible night
In fact for myself there existed two worlds
brought together only by one
which had its fingers wrapped around
my heart from where it had begun
For inside my mind there existed no truth
as everything rolled slowly in turn
and there will never be any proof
of those portraits in my mind that burned
All which remains of my disease wracked form
although the disease is now all gone
is my immediately crippled body
in all reality, fantasy bound for so long
- In all reality, Life is fantasy bound - July 22, 2018
- My Home Town (Alike All Others, Yet Very unique) - May 25, 2018
- The Gust Of A Breath (The Breath Of A Gust) - May 21, 2018