Evolving Paradigms

The uniqueness of any man or woman
is the realized potential of his or her heart,
manifest as but a facet of the soul
in learning, and the expressions
of the innate gifts he or she carries.
We are all in truth the same,
human vessels of potential
and with free will, the choices
of the realization of that potential,
dictating who and what we become, in time.
All of us and at any time,
exhibit the levels of understanding
on our particular chosen path,
from ignorance to enlightenment,
and therefore cannot be justly compared.
Comparison then is a coarse expression
of ego, and one not enlightened
to the movement and progression of life,
so judgement becomes superfluous
within the array of experiences we face.
When a heart renders truth,
a light is perhaps recognized and another hearts may accept
or value that revealing light,
and so we share, we learn together,
at least those of us ready to see and listen.
Others in blindness may condemn,
but they are not wrong,
just ill-equipped to know truth,
and they should not be condemned for their ineptitude,
because we all stand upon a different level.
Understanding is a wise man’s comfort,
as they see a world of promise evolving,
each soul ascending a ladder, slowly,
sometimes quickly, for time is irrelevant,
in the progression of souls.
Unique is a man or woman who can accept change,
redefine their paradigms
as truth reveals itself to them,
and always sees every life as vital in learning,
no matter to what degree, as its meant to be.
Tony DeLorger © 2018
- Brutal Night - March 30, 2021
- Like a Breeze Recalls - March 27, 2021
- Torrents - September 5, 2020

One can accept change when hope is not feasible, tho’ the heart remains true to a lasting love. Great work, Tony.
Pleased you related and enjoyed Phyllis. Take care.