Our Song of Tears

A song of tears remains in our hearts,
a key to letting go the pain,
the angst of life’s refrain, its tender opening,
and it is not to be dismissed, rather
purged for all we’ve missed in love
and stored too close in redress.
Tears are such a gratifying release,
a needed cathartic act
that reminds us who we are,
the emotions that can soar so high
or bind us to sorrows unexpressed,
and in doing so restore our freedom.
Either joy or pain lives within tears,
a purging of the soul so austere
it rattles us to the core,
so wound up in emotions flow
we are lost in the moment,
so beautifully aligned to our pure essence.
To be connected to this world of vast experience,
tears are but a part of expression,
our nature in a beautiful transition
of what emotions mean,
and our capacity to see this potential,
this connection to love’s latent being within.
This purging of the soul is a revelation,
for it releases us from our petty constraints,
cleanses our misgivings and sorrows held,
as we travail this path of life,
and it is well we face our emotional life,
embrace this plight that seals our humanity.
I cry in memory of loss and love,
death and change too sharp to attest,
I cry for the beauty of music and talent
shown in children with gifts,
men and women so committed to their cause,
I cry for it all, for it touches the soul.
And in doing so I am freed from my doubts,
released from the sorrows of past,
and in pure expression I find joy,
an ecstasy of being, my own potential
a gift of infinite seeding,
to experience life fully.
Tony DeLorger © 2018
- Brutal Night - March 30, 2021
- Like a Breeze Recalls - March 27, 2021
- Torrents - September 5, 2020

In this beautiful verse of deep expression your words are born of truths, Tony. Tears cleanse our heart and soul. Crying is so healing. Great work dear poet. Take care.
Much appreciated Phyllis, yes I so agree. I have always been very emotional. I’ve cried in ads. Lol
Take care.