Stop Existing and Start Living

…Seek and ye shall find

Never stop searching for enlightenment

…Explore without abandon

The bounties of the universe will present themselves at your feet

…Reach higher than you ever thought possible

Goals and dreams that lie dormant in your heart will awaken

…Give a complete effort

You’ll never have regret and you might learn something along the way

…Do the right thing

Nobility isn’t granted by a monarch, it comes from within and it’s always there

…Speak your truth

Be honest, be brave, be compassionate, and free yourself from worry

…Go ahead and cry

Anger, sadness, and happiness all have their roots in our tears

…Be genuine

Be the only person that you truly are

…Walk a mile in another person’s shoes

Perspective is often a catalyst for monumental change

…Practice self-healing

Only you know what’s best for you

…Don’t judge your neighbor

Instead try to learn from their actions

…Give more than you take

Enrich yourself with knowledge and friendship instead of objects or wealth

…Solve life’s riddles peacefully

It’s the longevity of the solution that’s important, not the speed

…Free your inner child

Run, jump, sing, and play like no one is watching

…Laugh through the tears

Find something positive to get you through and cling to it

…Share your knowledge, lest it be lost

There’s no better classroom than the room you are standing in now

…Make time for a child

What we nurture today may guide us tomorrow

…Love without condition

For without unconditional love, nothing else matters

Author’s Note

The sands of time continue to slip through the hourglass of the universe, and one day each of us shall find our place in that desert…but not yet!  Until then, there is hope!  Stop existing and start living.  Make each day count for something more than just getting to the end of it.  Share a part of yourself with the world.  Be engaged in the great mystery known as life.

More Inspiring Works

If you enjoy this type of poetry, I encourage you to take a look at these poems for further inspiration

Seeking the Womb of Life

Many Souls Will Be Awakened


R J Schwartz
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R J Schwartz

I write about everything and sometimes nothing at all. I'm fascinated by old things, rusty things, abandoned places, or anywhere that a secret might be unearthed. I'm passionate about history and many of my pieces are anchored in one concept of time or another. I've always been a writer, dating back to my youth, but the last decade has been a time of growth for me. I'm continually pushing the limitations of vocabulary, syntax, and descriptive phrasing.

One thought on “Stop Existing and Start Living

  • March 8, 2018 at 1:48 AM

    Ralph, this verse is so inspiring, so motivating. Each line has a strong impact that awakens the soul. Your words are those of a sage. Thank you for writing and sharing this enlightening piece. Great work.

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