The World Cannot Change, Without Us Changing First

We can’t instantly change what took so long to create,
but we can influence how people think, by example,
and the more powerful we become in numbers,
the more we find agreement collectively,
and change then has a chance.
Kindness will heal this world,
even though fear has disconnected us,
and by an individual stance,
we may show others what a world could be
if we embraced love not the petty fears of our teaching.
Fear is the mechanism of our governors,
the means by which they force compliance,
so that they can orchestrate, via our blessing,
the politics of warfare and oppression,
and we salute our slavery with blind patriotism.
The promotion of war is by design,
for those in control take countries in life and money,
and slowly disarm the systems that in the past
upheld democracy, to slowly assimilate
into their ‘one world government’ aspirations.
As war and conflict renders countries lame,
the governors buy up resources,
until they control food, water and energy,
one step closer to full control,
and one step closer to autocratic world government.
The only resistance we have is ourselves,
by example and by resisting the lies we are told,
the politics and military aspirations
woven into the fear and lies of segregation
that have so far been so divisive.
Love and kindness to all life must be the mantra of today,
to remove those of ill-intent from the world stage,
refuse their supposed democratic ruse
in order to fulfill their goals, and to remove
the support we have in the past handed them so freely.
Evil lurks in our world,
hidden behind the supercilious smiles
of politicians and law makers, and we must be watchful,
aware of the lies and deceit delivered to us as truth,
for the world cannot change without us changing first.
Tony DeLorger © 2018
My books link for review and purchase
- Brutal Night - March 30, 2021
- Like a Breeze Recalls - March 27, 2021
- Torrents - September 5, 2020

A great advise dear Tony.. we all keep demanding a change, but most of us are not willing to take even one step out of our comfort you said, the waves of change can spread only slowly..first an induvidual, then a family, then a society and so on…certainly, now itself we are doing all possible harm to Mother Earth without adding the catastrophies of wars..thank you so much for sharing your thought provoking words..
Glad you related and appreciated the thoughts Anjana, take care dear friend.