In the Aftermath of Life

Transient, these faces that haunt my dreams,
wafting in and out of consciousness,
like wisps of smoke, forming and disspating,
and their sad, pained faces ache this old heart,
for their pleas of redemption echo in my mind,
Why do they choose me,
an earthbound life yet breathing still,
and they earthbound in the sorrow of lives passed;
their parade a pointless task of woe,
lives long gone and they the shadows of what’s done,
what’s left undone their prison.
I cannot rest their suffering souls,
words of kindness just echo in my mind,
and they oblivious recounting steps so old,
perhaps they remember not this purpose,
just an inveterate echo of before,
a sad dictation of want.
They come and go, and I restless, thrashing,
trying to escape their monotony,
for what demons haunt me to have them,
when I cannot abide their whims,
their incessant seeking to be whole,
and sleep, my goal so remiss.
Death may part the body, but mind goes on,
and faith I have that resolution may come
to those so lost in their taking,
so I pray for the lost, trapped in their own ghosts,
longing to restore some peace,
in the aftermath of life.
Tony DeLorger © 2017
- Brutal Night - March 30, 2021
- Like a Breeze Recalls - March 27, 2021
- Torrents - September 5, 2020

Lost souls who wander in between realms, may they find peace. Very vivid image of their faces “wafting in and out” with your great phrasing, Tony. Nicely penned and emotive.
Much appreciated Phyillis, glad you enjoyed the work. Cheers!