The Ultimate Betrayal

The Ultimate Betrayal
The Ultimate Betrayal

Betrayal of love…

Eloquent lies transcend questioning
and elicit an agreeable support,
even though they are lies,
and people rarely want to know truth,
for they are pleasured by the persecution of others;
as in some strange way it elates them,
makes them feel superior.

And being the brunt of lies may force anger to rise,
but in the end, people will choose to accept lies,
regardless of what is said or what is truth,
and their ignorance a burden
on those who suffer the lies consequence,
but it is in grace they not respond,
as it is a demeaning lowering of the self.

Those who seek to undermine, to tarnish a character,
do so at their own peril,
for truth, no matter how maligned,
will eventually rise into light,
and those who so maliciously hurt
left with nothing:
no credibility, no trust, no compassion.

Thoughtless and responsive acts
can be forgiven in light of circumstance,
yet malicious, deliberate and divisive acts
are so coldly determined,
how can one ever trust that person again,
their intentions clear, their rhetoric proven,
and their presence completely unwanted.

It shows great strength of character
not to respond in kind to malicious acts and lies,
deliberately undertaken to cause hurt and judgement,
and to do so within a family,
an act of ultimate betrayal,
the consequences of which are permanent,
and far beyond reconciliation.

Lies can be like an atomic blast,
they effect many people within that immediate vicinity,
but over time the fall out effects everyone,
what life was once like, gone forever.

Tony DeLorger © 2016

Tony DeLorger
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Tony DeLorger

Full time author, freelance writer, poet and blogger since 1999. Twenty one published works, past winner of 'Poet of the Year' on HubPages, 'Poem of the Year' on The Creative Exiles, writer for, Google+, videos on YouTube and book sales on website, Amazon and

4 thoughts on “The Ultimate Betrayal

  • November 25, 2016 at 1:03 AM

    Oh boy! Did I ever need to read this a few weeks ago and get it ingrained in my mind! My problem has been responding to lies in what I felt was self-defense. Grace should have told me to not respond at all. I only recently learned to not respond. Life sure throws things at us harshly at times, for us to learn, often the hard way. Thank you, Tony, for sharing these thoughts. It applies to all people in our life. Great work.

  • November 25, 2016 at 1:10 AM

    Glad you connected Phyllis, this is about my ex-wife, who has attacked her own mother who has favored her and helped more than anyone else in her life. Now she stabs her in the back and has maliciously spread lies about her to all her siblings and family. I have written so much about this and still can’t get it out of my system, as I’m their carer and love them dearly. People can surprise you, even after 30 years of knowing her, I would never have thought she could be so malicious and spiteful with no reason at all. Cheers!

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