A Fun Adventure On The Beach

Ernest Hemingway’s face in the cloud

Aha the tropical breeze caressing my skin so tenderly

Lying on the sandy beach, sunbathing so peacefully

Eyes closed against the noontime blazing sun

Expecting no one as I felt sand sprinkled on my toes

Someone playing and having a bit of fun

I opened my eye’s to see a tall lanky man who somehow looked familiar

Not knowing for certain

and feeling rather peculiar

Finally recognizing, then thinking ” How could this possibly be? ”

Ernest Hemingway hovering and looking down at me

He then smiled and offered me an afternoon tea

Asking, ” Can I join you under your umbrella tree? ”

I was astonished and speechless but filled with exorbitant glee

So very much I wanted to ask, so much I needed to know

What inspired the wonderful, ‘ For Whom The Bells Toll ‘

So many written novels that I loved so

A Farewell To Arms

The Sun Also Rises

The Old Man And The Sea

Each one a classic and filled with historic history

I then asked him why he took his life in nineteen sixty one

He told me his life was empty

He stopped having any fun

His day’s of wine and roses became more than he could bare

He felt no one really listened, no one really cared

Suddenly I noticed he began to fade away

I looked more closely, his silhouette

Was visible leaving the beautiful tropical bay

My psyche whispered, ” Ruby you’ve been dreaming again ”

That’s when I gathered my umbrella and started to run

I knew I’d been dreaming

and having another adventure, so full of make believe fun

It is now August the 18th, and I haven’t spent anytime on the beach

Seems I’ve been so busy, the beach seemed so far out of reach

My psyche tells me, ” It’s never too late

To drive south and find a beautiful sunny lake

I really don’t think I’ll encounter Ernest Hemingway again

Perhaps is I’m lucky I’ll meet Vincent Van Gogh

Now wouldn’t that be ‘ the living end? ‘

Ruby Fuller
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Ruby Fuller

I am a retired R. N. who loves to write poetry and fiction. I have just found recently that I love to write flash fiction with a twist. I write on hub pages.com. under the name of always exploring- AKA Ruby Fuller.

10 thoughts on “A Fun Adventure On The Beach

  • August 18, 2016 at 7:09 PM

    Hi Kurt. It’s never too late to dream and might-as well-dream-big. Ha Ha. It would be a treat to meet Poe and London. Thanks so much for reading and commenting on this make-believe tale…

  • August 18, 2016 at 7:16 PM

    Clever and much enjoyed Ruby, and wouldn’t it be nice if someone we so loved just appeared for a chat and a cup of tea. Love the picture too. A great and fun read.

  • August 18, 2016 at 9:29 PM

    Such a delightful read, Ruby. Oh! to meet the great ones of long ago. How inspiring would that be? I once sat by a fireside having tea with William B. Yeats – such a pleasant dream. I love your poem and enjoyed reading it.

  • August 19, 2016 at 1:57 AM

    This was a joy to read, Ruby. I loved it…Hemmingway in the clouds, wow! I think I’d lik to meet Arthur Conan Doyle or Robert Louis Stevenson.

  • August 19, 2016 at 4:57 PM

    Hi Tony. So glad it was a fun read for you. I had fun dreaming it up. There are many I would love to meet for tea too. Thank you..

  • August 19, 2016 at 5:00 PM

    Hi Phillis. I’m happy to know that you dream of greats too. Thanks for a delightful comment.

  • August 19, 2016 at 5:02 PM

    Hello John. I’m happy it was a joyful read for you. We both dream BIG. Ha. Thank you…

  • August 20, 2016 at 12:18 AM

    Ruby you had me smiling all the way through. What a wonderful dreamy poetic journey. You made me want to get away from my PC, pack a picnic and head on over to some lake side picnic spot, watch the clouds drift by and see who I might meet. Will have to do just that before August comes to an end. Really enjoyed this.

  • August 20, 2016 at 6:44 AM

    Hello Rasma. I think I’m thinking about summer ending and I like the fall but hate winter, so we better get busy and find a beach. I wonder who we might find basking in the sun? Hee….

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