Love’s Intention

Love's Intention
Love’s Intention…sadly misconstrued

A heart cannot determine love,
to be deceit or joyous giving,
the mind alone has that sight in living;
and so a heart’s travail is fraught with strife,
selfish plans and salacious blights,
the pleasured conceit of self.

A heart is an island,
knowing only of its needs,
and love in any form is sought in deed;
and with unqualified optimism
it gives its all in eternal flame,
only to be torn apart in sad and rejected refrain.

Tis only when a heart and mind meld,
to know the deceit in a dark soul’s eyes,
that life becomes clearer, revived;
and then love’s nature and conditions apply,
to recognise its not love at all,
but the mirror of a selfish heart’s call, to take.

If only wisdom arrived in time,
to recognize this endless rhyme,
that souls may use love’s grace for purpose;
perhaps this broken heart would then have seen,
the ineptitude of souls that deemed
a love of lasting will with me, would be.

Sadly now I see,
the depth of love within those I meet,
and few can even understand their deceit,
when it comes to need;
and so my cynical heart is open but two paces apart,
for intentions are shown but actions rarely sewn,
with loves potential so remiss.

Tony DeLorger © 2016

Tony DeLorger
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Tony DeLorger

Full time author, freelance writer, poet and blogger since 1999. Twenty one published works, past winner of 'Poet of the Year' on HubPages, 'Poem of the Year' on The Creative Exiles, writer for, Google+, videos on YouTube and book sales on website, Amazon and

2 thoughts on “Love’s Intention

  • July 24, 2016 at 7:07 PM

    Love can be expressed in words so true on paper or from a distance- but, it is the physical closeness where it matters the most. One must see the face when love is expressed, look into the eyes, hear the intonations of voice, feel the touch of a hand before expressions of love can be trusted and accepted. The potential can only be recognized when two come together in person. I pray that happens for you, Tony. You are so deserving of love. Great verse.

  • July 24, 2016 at 8:34 PM

    Thanks Phyllis, for your kindness and support. Take care.

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